L’Epervier (The Sparrowhawk)

2013 | Marcel L’Herbier: Fabricating Dreams

FILM SCREENING: Saturday 11 May, 14:00

Ciné Lumière

France 1933. Dir Marcel L’Herbier.

With Charles Boyer, Natalie Paley.

Costumes Jacques Manuel, gowns Lucien Lelong.

Count de Dasetta and his wife Marina are successful card-sharps in high society. Charles Boyer’s brooding portrait of a crook deeply in love with his own wife contrasts with the fragile chic of Marina, played by Natalie Paley, the wife of one of Paris’s leading couturiers, Lucien Lelong. Shot in the Pathé studio and on location in Rome, this story of a turbulent marriage is played out against a backdrop of society resorts, high style and glorious haute couture courtesy of Lelong.

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